Van Grimde Corps Ssecret carried out consultations on a transdisciplinary and international virtual Hub project. It was conceived as a communicating set of platforms, digital tools and media supports designed to accelerate exchanges, facilitate remote work, pool resources and provide digital development support to potential users.


The Hub could provide a space for conversations on a website rather than a social network (links could be added, content connected, moderated, documented, etc.). 


Topics to be reflected upon: 

–  Where do we want to hold and host conversations?

–  What is the role of collaborators and where do we welcome their interventions, words

    or reactions?


Approach to discoverability and the project’s digital ecosystem


The goal of this approach (individual and group meetings) is to create an ecosystem of links (or digital ecosystem) to enhance the discoverability of a project and its contributors. 


Phase 1

    Individual meetings with contributors (raising awareness of the importance of a

    website; diagnosis and paths for improvement).


Phase 2

    Group meetings (French, English) on the conditions needed to develop an 

    ecosystem that is more meaningful, one that provides links between useful 

    information on the project website and the contributors’ websites.


Must read :

EN_10.10_Phase découvrabilité_Bible_FINAL.docx 


Mus watch :

Initiative led by Van Grimde Corps Secrets, funded by the Canada Council for the Arts

Thanks to: 

Josée Plamondon, Digital information consultant

Edouard Reinach, Senior digital transformation and business strategy consultant, Adviso

Guillaume Corbeil-Archambault, Team Lead – Strategic Development, Adviso

Carmen Mehnert and Anne Schmidt, Plan B – Creative Agency for Performing Arts

Sophie Préfontaine, Avocate inc.

Brad Necyk, Media Artist

Jacques Mateu, Plastic Surgeon

Marie-Hélène Boudrias, Neuroscientist

Marilène Oliver, Sculptor and Media Artist

Raphaël Cuir, Art Historian

Royden Mills, Sculptor

Thom Gossage, Composer

Video editing and motion design: Gabin Fournier