Eve 2050

Eve 2050 An interactive, evolving triptych ©Jérôme Delapierre | Interprètes – performers : Rhéa Sky Walsh, Justin De Luna, Chi Long, Sophie Breton How, in the near future, can the boundaries of the body and its identity be redefined?  Eve 2050 invites audiences to engage in an artistic, aesthetic and ethical reflection on the future of…

Corps Secret / Corps Public

Step into the Looking Glass Slow down. Come in close, encounter yourself, fall into another dimension. With the interactive installation Corps secret / Corps public, the trio of Isabelle Van Grimde, Anick La Bissonnière and Thom Gossage combine movement, architecture and sound to transform our everyday environment and to challenge how we use images and…

Symphonie 5.1

Symphonie 5.1 In an era of increasing virtualization, Isabelle Van Grimde immerses her dancers into an interactive visual environment orchestrated by live music. Here the choreographer ex- plores questions of identity fluctuation, perceptions and the future body. A thousand and one stories overlap, forming the framework of a dreamlike and eerily poetic work. Two young…

The Body in Question(s)²

Performers : Marie Brassard, Sophie Breton, Marie-Ève Lafontaine, Robin Poitras, Georges-Nicolas Tremblay, Brian Webb. Video credit : Jérôme Delapierre   A cross between choreography, spatial and acoustic architecture, exhibition and interactive digital technology, Le corps en question(s)2/The Body in Question(s)2 explores the ways in which the massive social, cultural and technological changes in modern societies…


This digital platform is a web recreation of the eponymous multiform work conceived and piloted by Isabelle Van Grimde. Developed in conjunction with web artist Jérôme Delapierre and Ingenisoft Inc., the interactive work deconstructs the creation-exhibition, reinventing and underscoring new facets in its transposition within the space-time of the virtual sphere. It provides Internet users…

Les Gestes

Choreographer Isabelle Van Grimde and composers Sean Ferguson and Marlon Schumacher are bringing the dialogue between dance and music to new heights in the choreography-concert Les Gestes. Onstage is a string quartet consisting unexpectedly of two musicians and two dancers. The latter are equipped with digital musical instruments developed at the IDMIL lab*. Extending the…

The Body in Question(s)

Joining forces in a captivating exhibit-show, several dancers, visual artists, multimedia artists, thinkers and soundscape and set designers will be transforming the Galerie de l’UQAM into a giant kaleidoscope, a splintered panoramic look at the body. A man plays with his digital double while the genome of a dancer is inscribed on a painting. A…

Duo pour un violoncelle et un danseur

Photo : Mickael Slobodian Photo : Mickael Slobodian Photo : Mickael Slobodian

Perspectives Montreal


Eve 2050 La web-série (2018) L’installation interactive (2018) La pièce scénique (2019) Corps Secret / Corps Public (2016) Symphonie 5.1 (2016) Le corps en question(s)² (2015) corpsenquestion.com (2014) Les gestes (2013) Le corps en question(s) (2012) Bodies to Bodies I et II – Les chemins de traverse Metz I, II, III (2009-2010) Duo pour un…


EMBODIMENT Works by Marilène Oliver and Sean Caulfield. / Curator : Isabelle Van Grimde. / Photographer : Michael Slobodian  


  In Messis (Latin for “harvest”), we discover a near future where, faced with the impossibility of being in touch with a nature that’s been destroyed, and with individuals physically separated from each other by waves of pandemic illnesses, a new generation of humans seeks to find connection, meaning, and intimacy through a sacrificial ritual…


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