Découvrez l’univers immersif de Messis

Plongez-vous dans l’univers immersif de Messis. Découvrez-y cette websérie en trois épisodes ainsi qu’une foule de contenus complémentaires vous permettant de vous plonger dans l’ensemble du travail ayant mené à la création de cette œuvre. Dans Messis (qui signifie “récolte” en latin), nous découvrons un futur proche où les individus sont physiquement séparés les uns…

Eve 2050 invited to tour

Van Grimde Corps Secrets has been invited to tour Germany this fall with EVE 2050: The Installation. We look forward to meeting the audiences of these prestigious cultural institutions! From November 5 to 8, 2020, we will be at the Muffatwerk in Munich. This major venue, considered an international cultural hub, will host EVE 2050:…

Eve 2050 the stage production – World Premiere at agora de la danse

Following on Eve 2050 the web series and the interactive installation (2018), Van Grimde Corps Secrets now brings this choreographic, scientific and philosophical exploration of the human body to the stage. From October 8 to 11 at Agora de la danse, in the Red Space at Wilder Building. Eight dancers of diverse origins make their way through an immersive, interactive…

The Web Series screened until June 30 at Dyscorpia

The captivating Edmonton exhibition Dyscorpia which houses Eve 2050: The Web Series since April 27 is extended to June 30 thanks to its success. Dyscorpia was sparked by the triptych Eve 2050,  with this in mind Isabelle Van Grimde was given the honor of delivering the keynote address for the opening. Eve 2050: The Web Series is screened for the entire duration of the exhibition (to popular…

EVE 2050: The Installation @ OFF-CINARS – Arsenal Contemporary Art

You missed the presentations at Agora de la danse in September? No worries, you will get another chance to experience it at Arsenal Contemporary Art. In collaboration with Danse Danse and Arsenal Contemporary Art, Van Grimde Corps Secrets will present Eve 2050: The Performative Installation during OFF-CINARS 2018, November 13 to 17!      Arsenal art contemporain 2020, rue William Montréal (Québec) Nov. 13, 8:30 pm…