
With the aim of designing a transdisciplinary and international virtual HUB, we are now in the consultation phase of this community project.

What are the new needs of the artists, researchers, creation/production/presentation organizations, and members of the public who will use it?

In collaboration with the various arts communities—dance, music, theatre, circus, literature, visual and media arts—as well as researchers in the sciences and humanities, we are contemplating the creation of a tool that will provide new possibilities for artistic creation, exchanges, presentation and development, beyond those already existing in the physical space. 



The virtual HUB is an initiative of Van Grimde Corps Secrets in collaboration with RQD, the Creation and New Media Department of UQAT, and Dr. Hela Zahar, Director of the Pôle lavallois d’enseignement supérieur en arts numériques et économie créative.


Incubation phase of a transdisciplinary, international virtual HUB


Reflection, research and consultations about the creation of a digital tool that would provide new possibilities for creation, exchanges, performance and development, in addition to those already existing in the physical space. The dance milieu would be given pride of place, along with the opportunity to transcend not only physical boundaries, but also those between disciplines.



We foresee several spaces within this virtual HUB, to be used by artists, researchers, presenters and members of the public:

  • A space for creation, where the potential for remote collaborations could be explored;
  • A space for research and exchanges among artists, and among artists and researchers in the sciences and humanities;
  • A space for learning and training;
  • A resource space aimed at optimizing the development of the creative ecosystem of the arts;;
  • A presentation platform for artists and for presenters who wish to develop a season on line. This space would respect all copyrights and intellectual property rights held by artists, and reflect their values.



  • To build a dynamic and long-lasting heterogeneous community by means of an effective, user-friendly concept;
  • To enrich and energize artistic practices, both physical and virtual;
  • To create an inclusive and unifying space that fosters research, creation, education, training and dissemination to the public;
  • To promote sustainability in the arts by reducing, for example, our carbon footprint and the transportation costs of several projects.




For the creation of the HUB, which will be completed in a later stage beginning next fall, we are now launching the project’s incubation phase.

This initial collection of data is being carried out by facilitators who are closely observing their communities. The data is compiled via videoconferencing and a brief interactive questionnaire. Since the beginning of this process, individuals and organizations from a variety of disciplines and regions have been adding to this influx of information.

When combined, this information will serve as our reference data for a survey, which will be conducted on a larger scale and stimulate further reflection.

Based on the survey data, a rough outline of the HUB will be prepared by the management committee.

Advisory tables may then be set up to meet specific objectives.

Once the final concept is agreed upon, we will move on to the design phase of the HUB, issuing a call for tenders to multimedia firms.




Monitoring the changes in practices




Call for tenders




What are the new needs of the artists, researchers, organizations and members of the public who will be using the HUB?

We are monitoring the changes in practices brought about by our digital culture on the one hand, and by confinement on the other.

In this context, we are gathering testimony regarding the changes in practices now taking place in several artistic and scientific disciplines in Quebec, Canada and Europe.


Download the full project description here.

*Photo : Jérôme Delapierre – marieBandme by Monique Régimbald Zeiber from Le corps en question(s)2
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts on this project.