EVE 2050: The Installation @ OFF-CINARS – Arsenal Contemporary Art

You missed the presentations at Agora de la danse in September? No worries, you will get another chance to experience it at Arsenal Contemporary Art. In collaboration with Danse Danse and Arsenal Contemporary Art, Van Grimde Corps Secrets will present Eve 2050: The Performative Installation during OFF-CINARS 2018, November 13 to 17!      Arsenal art contemporain 2020, rue William Montréal (Québec) Nov. 13, 8:30 pm…

Van Grimde Corps Secrets at the Journées de la culture : Interactives Technologies and Dance

We will introduce the public to technologies specifically designed for dance: tracking and capture devices, like infrared cameras and Kinect! Guided by our expert performers-dancers, the public will be able to experience how movements allow one to modulate space and create visual and sound effects.   Welcome to all!   Photo: Jérôme Delapierre, with Sophie Breton.

Eve 2050 Outside History

  What can a historian have to say about a yet unborn woman, a mere spark in our imagination destined to live through impossible to grasp circumstances? As a student of the past, of its bodies and its cultures, what strikes me is the unpredictability of historical change. The twists and turns of circumstance are…

Eve 2050’s webseries is online.

The webseries will be broadcast from May 16, to June 16, 2018 on vangrimdecorpssecrets.com and vimeo/vangrimdecorpssecrets Eve 2050 brings you into a world were nature and culture are reconciled in this meeting between the primal body—its ancestral heritage expressed through a visceral gestural vocabulary—and the body of the future, transformed by its connection with technology.…